100+ Workout Exercise Library

We offer over 100 exercises to suit all fitness levels, accompanied by detailed workout method illustrations. Target every muscle group and maintain your overall health with a variety of workout options!

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    66 Cable Handle Overhead Fly Cable

    Sit on the bench pad facing the cables. Plant your feet on the ground and attach both handles to the cables. Grab the handles and raise them up. Allow your feet to hang so you can raise the handles out and up with straight arms. Keep your arms straight and raise the handles as far as you can or until your arms are almost overhead. Keep your chest up throughout the movement and your arms locked. Don’t swing the movement and always perform a brief pause at the top of the movement.

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    95 Tricep Stretch

    Sit on the bench pad so that you are facing the squat stand. Keep your feet planted on the floor and raise both hands up overhead. Put one hand on your back and the other hand on the other elbow. Stretch your triceps by pulling the elbow down with the other arm. Hold the stretch down for 5 seconds for every turn and do the other side for the same intensity and duration.

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    65 Cable Handle Overhead Triceps Extension v2

    Sit on the bench pad with your back to the cable attachment and let your feet be planted on the floor. Use the handles attachment on the cables on both sides. With your back fully erect and firm, grab the handles from behind and extend your elbows. Start from a position where your elbows are in front of your and your upper arm is at a 45-degree angle. Finish the movement when your elbows are fully locked out. Ensure that you do not use any swinging by pausing at the bottom and top of every rep.

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    58 Cable Handle Side Triceps Extension

    Lay on the bench pad with your back flat so that the handles are behind you. Grab both handles from above and keep your arms to your sides. Maintain a neutral position and keep your elbows tucked to your sides. Start by having your arms stretched and finish when your elbows are locked down. Do not swing or use momentum. Try to feel for the stretch in your arm (triceps) and force a squeeze at the end of the rep by pausing at the bottom and top.

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    57 Cable Handle Overhead Triceps Extension v1

    Lay on the bench pad with your back flat so that the handles are behind you. Grab both handles from above and extend your arm out. Keep your upper arm completely still and only move your forearm forward. Keep your elbows pointed to the ceiling and try to extend and lock your elbows out. Do not swing or use momentum. Try to feel for the stretch in your arm (triceps) and force a squeeze at the end of the rep by pausing at the bottom and top.